Language and conversational skills can deteriorate with the progression of Alzheimer ’s disease which can make communication tricky at times. It is good to be aware of and sensitive to these changes and alter our communication style accordingly. Here are a few helpful...
People have asked us, “Why did you call your company Attune?” It isn’t a commonly-used word in the English language and we usually do have to spell it for people. But, when you look at the definition of “attune” things start to make sense and fall into...
Over the past 3 years we have been working with a number of different organizations (Sheridan College, The Sheridan Centre for Elder Research, Kitestring Creative Branding Studio) to create what this company is today. Although it has been a long road, we...
How do you define “Aging in Place”? For many people aging in place means the ability to remain living in their own home as long, and as independently, as possible. How is successful aging in place accomplished? Well, that is a long...
Firstly, I’d like to introduce myself to you. My name is Anita Salituri and I am an Occupational Therapist and co-owner of Attune Aging Strategies & Solutions. Right from the beginning, as a student studying to be an Occupational...
Learn these easy and effective exercises for Seniors!
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Exercise Essentials Video Series
Age Well. Live Strong.
Each 30 minute video in the series targets a specific area - Upper body strength, Lower body strength, Cardio, Balance & Flexibility. Created by a PT & OT, these effective exercises keep seniors strong and active for health and independence.