These terms seem to be used interchangeably when people talk about health and fitness. Wouldn’t it be helpful if we actually KNEW what each term meant to better understand our own fitness needs and goals? These terms DO have different meanings, but they are also...
If you were told you that in just 30 minutes per day you could do something that would greatly benefit your health, and would have a positive impact on your overall quality of life – would you be interested? I’m definitely interested – but HOW can I find the...
Does the thought of venturing out to your favourite exercise class in the cold weather make you shiver? Sometimes staying at home is actually a safer idea if the weather is nasty. But, don’t let the cold weather be your excuse to become a couch potato during these...
People have asked us, “Why did you call your company Attune?” It isn’t a commonly-used word in the English language and we usually do have to spell it for people. But, when you look at the definition of “attune” things start to make sense and fall into...
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Exercise Essentials Video Series
Age Well. Live Strong.
Each 30 minute video in the series targets a specific area - Upper body strength, Lower body strength, Cardio, Balance & Flexibility. Created by a PT & OT, these effective exercises keep seniors strong and active for health and independence.